Wed Apr 18 2018

6 useful Angular testing tools

6 most useful Angular testing toolsMost of the web developers who aspire to design a web application in a dynamic manner, the Angular framework is their first choice. Because Angular is the fast and popular framework to create quick and lightweight applications. It combines declarative templates, dependency injection, an end to end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop. The code is written using TypeScript using types for dependency injection and using decorators for metadata.

This article is all about useful Angular testing tools that increase your productivity. So, let’s start -


Jasmine is a behavior-driven testing framework for JavaScript and it is popular for Angular and node.js. It basically gives functions to structure your testing and also maintain it till the end. Any kind of testing can be accomplished with a single all-in-one package, which is the major advantage of using Jasmine for testing your application in a streamlined manner. It notifies you of unhandled code.


Protractor is an end to end testing framework for Angular applications. It works with the great technologies like WebDriver, Mocha, jasmine, Node.js, selenium, and cucumber. It tests your application by running it in a real browser. You can test the Application without any seamless effort on your end. Automatic waiting option is not let you wait for the next event to test it automatically after finishing and the pending task executes the next test.


Karma is one of the topmost testing frameworks for Angular development. It provides the most apt testing environment where testing can be done on real browsers and devices.


Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. With MochaJS, if you want to use spy framework, you need to set up Mocha with its appropriate library like sinon.js.

Angular Batarang

Angular Batarang is a Chrome extension for debugging Angular applications. It will show you the model, performance, and dependency debugging results in three different tabs after inspecting your app. You can also control the inspection, deciding whether to show the applications, bindings or scopes.


Create an inspection control pane to develop, debug and understand the Angular application with the complete assistance of ng-inspector extension tool. It is an outstanding browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. It easily interacts with your application and updates every real-time action in your application. It also sees the whole scope hierarchy, its models, types, and values. This tool also shows the highlighted DOM nodes when pointing to the respective scopes.


These are some of the finest testing tools that every developer would recommend, If you are just starting with your Angular development or any endeavor is set to hire Angular developers those set of tools are going to make their testing experience smooth. Please suggest any testing tools that we missed in the comments section and we will definitely include it.

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