Wed Aug 02 2023

How to boost Wi-Fi signal on your smartphone

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How to boost Wi-Fi signal on your smartphone

Sometimes we notice that our smartphone is consuming more battery than usual. The first culprit in our mind comes from our Wi-Fi. Typically when a device uses more power it is due to our phone’s internet. Sometimes the internet speed might even not improve even if we are constantly connected with the network. Let’s take a look at a few quick fixes that can be done to improve your situation.

Check your distance from the router

Placement of the router and your distance from it matters a great deal. It is a good idea to keep checking your proximity to the router every once in a while. It is always good to be near the router to make sure you are getting full signals. But even if after being close to the router your signals don’t improve, then try restarting your router.

Look to see whether your phone case is preventing signal

Do you use a case for your phone? If so, you might wish to see if the situation is related to one of the problems with Wi-Fi (and cellular) connectivity. Many phone cases, especially those made of metal, are known to significantly worsen Wi-Fi signals.

Perform an Ookla speed test with the case off, then, in the same spot, put the case back on and repeat the test to discover if your case is impacting your Wi-Fi signal. You should look for the numbers of Ping, Jitters and loss. These all should be within the acceptable range.

The same test may be run using the official Ookla speed test app. However, the program requests an absurdly high number of rights, therefore we advise removing it as soon as your test is through.

Ensure that your router is in the ideal location

The location of the router can also be optimized, which can significantly enhance the Wi-Fi connection at home. It is frequently put adjacent to the cable or phone outlet, although this placement is rarely the ideal for your connection.

Simple positioning tips to boost your Wi-Fi include:

  • As little as possible should stand between your gadgets and Wi-Fi antenna. You would prefer for it to be in your line of sight.
  • Put the router higher up; putting it close to the ground significantly reduces range (and speed).
  • Avoid putting metal boxes around your Wi-Fi router. Aluminum is a metal that reflects wireless signals.
  • Keep your router away from aquariums and other big bodies of water.
  • If your router has an antenna, try pointing it in the direction where the signal is the weakest.
  • Depending on your demands, you should either close or open windows because glass can reflect Wi-Fi signals.

Optimize your router

Internet Router

You may quickly modify your network settings by going to your router's settings page. Now, if you are uneasy with the number of settings, I would advise you to first conduct some study. Since every router page is unique, we are unable to create exhaustive instructions here, but consulting the handbook or your service provider should work.

Altering your priorities should be your initial action. You can allocate different bandwidths and limits based on applications, or you can prioritize some devices over others (for example, your phone above the TV). The effectiveness of your router will have a big impact on your ability.

Removing other devices is a second solution to reduce Wi-Fi speeds. Even today, it's still possible for a neighbor to unintentionally connect to your Wi-Fi or for a less frequently used device to be using some of the bandwidth. You should search through the connected gadgets and make an effort to declutter, in my opinion. Last but not least, as manufacturers continuously correct faults and improve their routers, it is crucial to maintain the router firmware updated.

Look for Wi-Fi access point that works the best for you

You don’t need to restart your router right away. You can always use a Wi-Fi analyzer program. The best channel to use for your particular network is the first suggestion made. Without getting into specifics, it eliminates the need for technological wizardry and enables network optimization.

Second, it finds the nearby network with the most dependable connection—frequently not the one to which your phone connects by default - and ranks the stability of that network. Last but not least, it facilitates easy access to network data like your IP address, network gateway, DNS, etc. Power users benefit from it even though it is not required.

As a last resort, get a router with more features and range.

It might be necessary to devote money if nothing else works. Select a Wi-Fi router with more features and a larger coverage area than your current one. To choose the best router for you, do some online research and talk to professionals.

Invest in a better smartphone internet plan

If you're searching for a quick, dependable, and reasonably priced mobile internet package, Xfinity mobile is a wonderful choice. Get Unlimited for the lowest monthly rate of $30/line. Everyone uses their gadgets differently, whether it is for texting, surfing, or streaming. Choose data By the Gig, Unlimited, or both to ensure that everyone has access to the right amount. Find the Xfinity Mobile plan's best deals online by shopping around. Guaranteed.

Use as much data as you'd like with the available unlimited option. Including tablets and lines using By the Gig data, you can benefit from limitless multi-line pricing based on the total number of lines on your account. Initially, a phone is used.

Choose from the top gadgets before customizing your plan, or bring your beloved phone.

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