Thu Mar 28 2019

How to choose a PHP framework for your project?

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How to choose a PHP framework for your project?

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is the most commonly used open source scripting language which is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. It is also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is the most natural framework to develop visually appealing and distinct websites unlike with other scripts or technology. You could develop customized websites with advanced technologies and dynamic functionalities. PHP is a versatile and incomparable scripting language with several benefits.

PHP is a widely used, powerful web scripting language that allows developers to develop massive web applications. With the increasing popularity among web frameworks, it's getting a bit difficult to decide which framework will be best suitable for your projects. While some take their decision on the basis of performance, others may look for a substantial built-in functionality or a well-documented framework.

What is PHP framework?

A PHP framework is a basic platform that allows us to develop web applications. In other words, it provides a structure for your application. PHP framework will save lots of time by stopping you to write repetitive code, and you'll be able to build applications rapidly.

Without a PHP framework in place, it gets much more difficult to produce applications. You'll also have to execute the connection between your database and whatever application you develop from scratch. Meanwhile, using a PHP framework makes it easier for you to ensure this connection.

PHP framework also provide Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, which used in various popular programming languages which breaks apart your domain logic from your user interface.

So, what you are looking for, choosing a framework for your project?

When you're searching for a PHP framework, it can get a bit confusing with what you need in a framework to do. Not every PHP framework offers the same support for databases, communities, and an easy to follow user guide. Even, if you find a PHP framework that you're comfortable with, there should be a variety of options, advantages, and disadvantages that come along with it.

Here are a few questions you should consider before deciding on a particular framework:

1. What is the main goal of your application?

Are you going to develop an e-commerce portal, a social platform, a blog or a business website? An e-commerce portal, you will definitely need a framework with the payment integration facility. In the case of a blog or business site, you may need a framework with options for various themes and plugins to choose from.

2. Does there have a proper guide for the framework?

Finding difficulty in understanding someone else's code is every developer's story. A framework without any user guide is completely useless. Make sure that your PHP Framework has good documentation that's kept up-to-date, and that the user guides it's relatively easy to follow.

3. Does it base on MVC architecture?

Your framework should also use the Model View Controller architecture. Because the MVC frameworks are best for managing complex code structure.

4. Does it offer database support?

The database is a very important part of a framework. There are lots of databases in the market, which offer various features. Depending on which database you prefer to use or choose for your project, you will need to consider whether your framework supports it or not.

5. Does the framework have an active user base and development support?

If the framework you are working on ends up feebly with no active development support, you can either continue using the framework by maintaining it yourself or re-code your application to use a new framework.

6. Which environment would you be using?

Some frameworks require additional PHP modules or software installation on the server, which may not be an option in shared hosting environments. Furthermore, a lightweight framework on which everything is self-contained and highly portable may not provide the best functionality for serious data manipulation or large information processing.


PHP frameworks are very useful but, don't get stuck with a framework on a dead-end, take time to research the community of a framework while the project is still in the planning phase.

A PHP framework provides a basic structure for streamlining the development of web apps. We use them because they speed up the development process. The responsiveness of websites and applications built using PHP frameworks helps businesses fulfill their performance needs. So there’s no doubt that PHP frameworks will continue gaining attention and popularity in 2019.

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