Mon May 22 2023

How to Test on Real Android and iOS Devices on Cloud?

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How to Test on Real Android and iOS Devices on Cloud?

Mobile app development has become a compulsory aspect of digital business, with more and more companies investing in the development of mobile applications for their customers. As mobile devices and operating systems continues to grow, it has become challenging for app developers to test their applications on all possible combinations of hardware and software. This is where real device cloud comes into play.

Real device testing is a method of testing mobile applications on actual devices instead of simulators or emulators. In this way, developers can ensure that their apps work flawlessly on a wide range of devices and operating systems. One convenient way to perform real device testing is by using cloud-based testing platforms that offer access to a range of devices remotely. The question arises now about the functioning of the cloud platform process, which can be a source of confusion for many people.

Therefore through this article, we will explore how to perform real device testing on Android and iOS devices using cloud-based testing platforms. And by the end, you will have an understanding to leverage the power of cloud-based testing to ensure that your mobile application is ready for prime time on a wide range of real devices.

How to Test on Real Android and iOS Devices on the Cloud?

Owning and maintaining a wide range of mobile devices for testing purposes can be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, cloud-based device testing services provide a cost-effective and efficient solution for developers.

Cloud-based device testing services allow developers to run tests on real Android and iOS devices remotely without the need for physical access. These services offer a variety of devices with different operating systems, screen sizes, and hardware configurations that developers can use to validate their apps.

One recommended cloud-based testing service is LambdaTest. It is a digital experience platform that offers a wide range of real devices as well as several browser combinations. The platform is user-friendly and provides seamless integration with the most popular testing frameworks, such as Selenium, Appium, and more. It also provides excellent customer support and offers flexible pricing plans to suit various budgets and needs.

Now let's take a glance at the steps you can take to test your application:

1. Create an Account

Sign up for the selected service and create an account. Most services offer a free trial period to help you evaluate their features before committing to a paid plan.

2. Prepare your App for Testing

Preparing your app for testing is an important step in the process of testing on real Android and iOS devices on the cloud. Here are some key steps involved in preparing your app for testing:

  • Build your app in release mode: Building your app in release mode ensures that it is optimized for performance and has all the necessary files and resources. This is important because a release build differs from a debug build in that it is optimized for distribution, and any debugging code is stripped out.
  • Sign your app with appropriate certificates: In order to run your app on real devices, you need to sign it with the appropriate certificates. This security measure ensures that only authorized parties can install and run your app. For Android apps, you need to sign your app with a certificate that has been generated by the Android developer console. For iOS apps, you need to sign your app with a certificate from the Apple Developer portal.
  • Generate an APK or IPA file: An APK (Android) or IPA (iOS) file is the package containing all the necessary files and resources needed to install and run your app on a real device. Once you have built and signed your app, you need to generate an APK or IPA file that you can upload to the cloud-based testing platform.

3. Upload your App

Once you have fully prepared your app for testing, the next step is to upload your app to the cloud-based testing platform. Here are some guidelines to follow when uploading your app:

  • Upload the APK or IPA file: Typically, you will be asked to upload the APK (Android) or IPA (iOS) file that you generated when preparing your app for testing. This file contains all the necessary code, resources, and assets needed to install and run your app on a real device.
  • Upload any additional required files: Depending on the cloud-based testing service you are using, you may be asked to upload additional files, such as test scripts or configurations, to ensure that your app is tested in the correct way. Make sure to check the service's guidelines to see if any additional files are required.
  • Provide any necessary information: In addition to uploading your app and any additional files, you may also be asked to give some additional information, such as the version of your app or the devices you want to test on. This information will help the cloud-based testing platform to run your tests correctly.

4. Configure your Test

When testing your Android or iOS app on real devices using a cloud service, you will typically have the option to configure your test settings. Here are some tips for configuring your test:

  • Select the devices: The testing service should offer a range of devices for testing, including different models, versions, and configurations. Choose the devices that you want to test your app on based on your target audience and device popularity. The more devices you test on, the more comprehensive your testing will be.
  • Choose the OS versions: You should also be able to choose which operating system versions you want to test your app on. This is particularly significant for Android devices, as there are many different OS versions in use. You must choose the OS versions most relevant to your target audience and app requirements.
  • Set network conditions: Cloud-based testing services typically provide options for simulating different network conditions, such as slow or unstable connections, to test how your app performs under different conditions. You should choose the network conditions that are most relevant to your app and its intended use.

5. Write and Upload Test Scripts

In cloud-based testing, you are supposed to write and upload test scripts. Here are some steps for doing the same:

  • Choose a testing framework: The first step is to choose a testing framework supported by a cloud-based testing service, such as Appium, Espresso, XCTest, or others. Each testing framework has its own syntax and structure for writing test scripts, so make sure to choose the framework that is most familiar to you or your team.
  • Write your test scripts: Once you have chosen your testing framework, you can start writing your test scripts. Your test scripts should cover all the important scenarios and functionality of your app. This includes testing different features, user interactions, and edge cases. You should also test for compatibility with different device types, OS versions, and network conditions.
  • Upload your test scripts: Once you have written your test scripts, you will need to upload them to the cloud-based testing service. The exact process for uploading test scripts depends on the service you are using, but most services provide an interface for uploading and managing test scripts.

6. Run your Tests

After you have uploaded your app and configured your test settings, the next step is to run your tests. Here is how it goes:

  • Follow the instructions provided by the testing service: Each cloud-based testing service may have its own instructions for running tests. Ensure to read the instructions provided by the services.
  • Start your test: Once you are ready to start your test, you can initiate it through the cloud-based testing platform. The testing service will then run your tests on real devices in the cloud, simulating different user interactions and scenarios.
  • Monitor your test: While your test is running, you should monitor it to ensure that it is progressing as expected. You can usually view the progress of your test and the results as they are generated through the cloud-based testing platform. If you notice any issues or errors, you may need to pause or stop your test and investigate the problem.

7. Review Test Results

Once you have run your tests, the next step is to review your test results. The steps for reviewing your test results are as follows:

  • Access the test results: Most cloud-based testing services provide an interface or dashboard where you can access your test results, logs, screenshots, and videos. Make sure to log in to the service and navigate to the appropriate page to view your test results.
  • Review the results: Once you have accessed your test results, review them thoroughly to identify any issues, bugs, or areas for improvement. Look for any failed tests or test cases, unexpected behaviour, or errors. Pay attention to any alerts or warnings indicating potential issues or performance problems.
  • Analyze the data: To identify the root cause of any issues or bugs, you may need to analyze the data provided by the testing service. This may involve examining logs, reviewing screenshots or videos, or testing different scenarios to replicate the issue.
  • Take action: Once you have identified any issues or bugs, take action to address them. This may involve fixing the code, updating the app's configuration, or adjusting the test settings to capture the issue more accurately.

8. Iterate and Improve

After reviewing your test results, it's important to use the information gathered from the tests to improve your app.

  • Identify areas for improvement: Based on your test results, identify the areas of your app that need improvement. This may include fixing bugs, improving performance, optimizing user experience, or adding new features.
  • Prioritize improvements: Once you have identified the areas for improvement, prioritize them based on their importance and impact on the user experience. Focus on the most critical issues first and then move on to other areas as time allows.
  • Implement improvements: Now that you have prioritized the improvements, start implementing them in your app. This may involve coding changes, updating configurations, or making design changes.
  • Repeat the testing process: After you have implemented the improvements, repeat the testing process to ensure that your app is of the highest quality. Run your tests on real devices in the cloud to ensure that the improvements have been effective and that there are no new issues or bugs.
  • Continue iterating and improving: Keep iterating and improving your app based on your test results and user feedback. Regularly test your app on real devices in the cloud to ensure that it is performing at its best.

9. Integrate with your CI/CD Pipeline

To streamline your testing process, consider integrating the cloud testing service with your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This will allow you to automatically run tests on real devices whenever changes are made to your app's codebase.

Final Thoughts

Testing on real Android and iOS devices on the cloud is a game-changer for mobile application development. It provides an effective way to test the applications across a wide range of devices, ensuring they meet the highest standards of performance, quality, and user experience. With cloud-based testing, developers can concentrate on building great applications without bothering about the complexities of device testing, ultimately delivering a better experience for their users.

So, don't wait; take advantage of cloud-based testing services today and deliver high-quality mobile applications that meet the demands of your users.

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