Fri Jun 22 2018

Languages should learn to become a successful freelancer

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Programming languages for freelancer

There are hundreds of programming languages available in the market and market share of the language define its popularity. But a huge market share and the statistics can mislead you into learning the languages that are popular according to search engines. If you want to work as a freelance programmer than things are completely different for you. That’s why here we enlisted few languages which you should learn to become a successful freelancer.

So, let's begin -

Today’s popular languages in freelancing market are - Python, PHP, Ruby, Objective-C, HTML, JavaScript, Java, .Net, C/C++. Each language has its own usability.


Python is the programming language recommended for beginners. While it’s still considered a high-level language, Python is one of the easier languages to learn and is a great foundation for a computer programmer to build their career. As the demand for data scientists continues to increase, so will the demand for Python. Many universities have replaced preliminary Java coursework with Python because It’s also easy to learn.


PHP may have more freelance opportunities than any other language. If you start with PHP, you can move to CakePHP or Laravel or WordPress. It is a relevant and popular technology, and it has a strong demand. It’s a language that’s prevalent in the freelance community, which in this case is synonymous with the remote job market. It’s still a useful tool to have considering how it dominates the web.


Ruby and it’s additional platform, Ruby on Rails are open source programming languages used to build web apps. Relatively simple to use, Ruby, claims that its syntax is natural to read, and easy to write.


Objective-C was built from the foundations of C and added its own personalised twist. It’s a general-purpose programming language that is the predominant language used by Apple for the iOS and OS X operating systems.


JavaScript just gets better. With its new advancements, JavaScript is the brightest star of all. Although JavaScript has always been an in-demand language for front-end developers, it’s now exploring the back-end with help from Express and Node.js. But that’s not all. JavaScript is even reaching native mobile apps through React Native, further increasing its possibilities and its appeal.


Java is the language of choice for developers of Android phones, but expertise in Corona SDK and JavaScript can still be very useful in developing Android applications. Java’s demand has risen sharply in the past few years, mainly due to the growth of Android phones. All native Android apps are built in Java. That is a big market, and Java features as one of the most popular programming languages. Java has top the search engines in terms of programming languages that pay the highest because the corporations that advertise for jobs specify the programming languages they prefer.


C is the oldest programming language in existence. C has certainly withstood the test of time and is now one of the most common programming languages in use today. C is modern, powerful, and varied.

C++ and C#

C++ and C# remain very strong forces in the programming world. Often considered the backbones of software development. these are seeing increased growth in the market, making them viable options for remote work. It’s most likely due to these coding languages’ compatibility and ability to handle high-powered websites, search engines, and complicated applications. And C# is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. If you want to program video games or high-frequency trading apps, then C++ is probably the way for you. C# is intended for use in developing software components suitable for deployment in distributed environments. It's intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded systems.


Pascal was initially designed as a language to teach algorithm among engineers and scientists. It has a key focus on simplicity and is a general-purpose language designed to foster structured programming practices.


Swift, Apple’s new programing language that’s modernizing iOS app development. In an attempt to replace the meticulous Objective-C, Swift burst onto the scene in 2014 and continues to increase in popularity.  Because Swift is much easier to work in than Apple’s previous staple, there’s now much more opportunity to create iOS applications. This is especially true considering Swift’s “Playgrounds” feature which has significantly speed up its popularity. Because it allows developers to see immediate changes in code without having to compile and execute the code first.


Perl is a high-level programming language that’s commonly used for network programming and sysadmin. While it’s noted that it’s not the most attractive of languages, it’s both strong and adaptable making it popular among today’s programmers.


Groovy is the programming language of choice by developers of IBM and Google. Groovy has a straightforward syntax and a focus on enhancing productivity for the developer. It’s similar to Python and Ruby and is a popular language for the Java platform.


In short, if you want to program video games or high-frequency trading apps, then C++ is probably the way for you. If you want to make websites, Python, Ruby or PHP are great, along with HTML/CSS/JS. If you want to program iPhone then Objective-C is the way. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are used together and is used for making stuff look good in your web browser. They will always be used in conjunction with a server-side language such as Python, Ruby or PHP.


When learning these languages, don't start to build a critical project, it's not going to happen. Starting with small projects and finding tutorials is the best practice.


SQL is not considered to be a programming language, but you are going to need to be good at it if you want to become successful as a programmer. No matter what programming language you use, you cannot skip SQL since it is used to retrieve and analyze data from databases. A competent web developer will most likely be proficient in both JavaScript and HTML. You'll also need to get some kind of database such as MySQL, MongoDB, and learn how to program with it.

If you’re ready to venture into freelance programming   either as a moonlighter or potentially full-time freelancer  -  here are some handy and useful tips that could help you to become a successful freelancer -

Start small project first

Recommends starting with a small project first. Make a web-based game, create an online shop for a friend, simplify one of your daily tasks with a simple script/program/web service. Make sure that what you're doing brings value to at least one person. Deploy your project to the web, make sure it runs smoothly, polish it enough to make it bug-free. There's no need to make it awesome, good is enough. It is very important to show that you already have an experience so your pet project should be always up and running.

Think of yourself as a brand

Some freelancer recommends that being proactive and strategic about marketing yourself -  by tweeting, blogging, hosting events, creating a strong portfolio, and generally putting yourself out there. Self-promotion is key to freelance success. After all, you’ve got to believe your worth before anyone is going to pay you for it and can facilitate great relationships. Never forget that your most important marketing strategy is your portfolio.

Touch with the social platform

Socializing in both IRL and URL  by way of networking at industry events or online in Slack groups or subreddits could help you to meet new potential clients, befriend fellow freelancers, and stay up-to-date on industry trends. Make sure to explore social media platforms groups in search of communities in your niche, sign up for relevant local Meetups, hunt down all of the great many freelance Slack groups.

Spread your network circle

One freelance programmer on the hired platform recommended that browsing some social websites to see who in your network will bring some opportunities and can lead engineering teams in your preferred industry/stack. Your inbox is your own personal freelance leads database; generate as much demand for your skills as you can.

Commit to a lifelong journey of learning

Your ability to adapt will determine your marketability, so familiarize yourself with new programming languages as they enter the market. Make learning a lifelong journey, and never reach a point where you feel that you have arrived and don’t need to learn anymore. Be familiar with your market and the in-demand programming languages. Learn what major employers operate in your market and the languages that are popular with them. Research possible future demands for programming, and anticipate what languages could be applicable to them.

Selecting a platform

Selecting a platform is the next most important thing when it comes to starting your freelancing career. You must make sure that the platform is suitable to your skill set. Example if you are an Android Developer or a Web Developer then the best freelancing platform for your choice would be Upwork, the world's largest online workplace. Hence it is important to choose the platforms wisely. There are some platforms which have a bad reputation so make sure that you avoid those platforms.


Last but not the least, don’t opt to learn what is more in demand but it is about learning what you know, it is large enough niche for you to be able to find good opportunities. Thank you!

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