Sun Jan 06 2019

List of best web development framework in 2018

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web development framework

Web technology is growing day by day due to various innovations and new web development trends taking place in this domain. A stable web application development process is not just about the number of features or options a framework can provide, it's all about ensuring that the functionalities are rolled out smoothly with the help of underlying developing tool or environment. Newer trends in web application development suggest that the two most important parameters that the companies must keep in mind while selecting a web development framework are efficient reuse of code and dynamic nature of controls and interfaces for delivering responsive behavior.

With advancement in technology and the promise of frameworks, the journey of web application development has come a long way. Developers adopting the latest trends and technologies of web development and delivering a forecasting based website will lessen the burden of marketers.

Here are some trending frameworks which will be creating a great impact in the web development industry for 2018.

So, let's see what they are -

Angular JS

Angular.js, One of the most popular and well-known frameworks, comes from the digital giant of the day - Google. It is essentially a JavaScript open-source framework that can help you make single web-page applications using an MVC (Model-Controller-View) architectural pattern. It is not really a full stack framework, but you can consider it as a front-end framework which is great for handling your WebPages. If you are building an e-commerce site, it is important that you have Angular.js in your toolkit for great results.


Django is a Model-View-Template framework that uses Python for web development. It’s used by some of the big names such as Google, Youtube, and Instagram. Django boasts its batteries-included feature, which is the bunch of features such as authentication and messaging that Django comes bundled with. It follows the Convention Over Configuration pattern and the DRY pattern as well. Security in Django is a serious topic and Django either provides techniques and tools for developers to build a secure website, or implements the security features in the framework itself like preventing code execution in the template layer.


Ruby on Rails has emerged as one of the favorites among the web developers today. Since its launch in 2005, RoR is still completely free to use, is open source, and runs on Linux. It is fun to work with and is remarkably quick in getting you through the planning stage and on to the developmental stage. Some of the biggest websites that were built using RoR include Hulu, Airbnb, Basecamp among others.


Laravel is an open source PHP framework. It has captured the imagination of web artisans over the years. The framework follows the Model-View-Controller architecture. A lot of social networking, news sites, and content management systems are built using this framework. It’s an intuitive framework that uses database migrations, ORM composers, templating, etc., to enhance PHP development. It eases the process of authentication and caching. Moreover, it supports a built-in mechanism to create an API, which makes routing a lot easier. It ensures that a user’s password is not shown as text but is concealed behind a hash. The framework also secures users from vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, dubious cookies, etc.

React JS

React.js is this JavaScript library and is open-source in nature. It is maintained by Facebook alongside a huge community of developers. This e-commerce website development tool is used more often in developing the user interface for the website applications. Why you need to know about this is because React is coming up with something known as React Fibre which is a reimplementation of React JS core algorithm. This makes React.js an important addition to your overall e-commerce application development process.


It is an open-source PHP framework which also makes the web app development process easier and faster. It features a full solid caching support and a component-based architecture. It is built using the Model View Controller pattern and is also an OOP framework. It comprises of various features such as Internationalization, DAO/ActiveRecord, caching, authentication, localization (I18N/L10N), scaffolding, testing etc. Its validation of input, output filtering, SQL injection and prevention of scripts between sites makes the website development using secure WII and protected from hackers. Being open source, it has a large number of learning resources, proper documentation, and huge popularity.

Node JS

Another javascript framework which is lightweight and highly efficient, this is not just a framework but a complete environment which provides all the tools and required functionalities for the developers. This framework is high performing, scalable and securing application provider with fast and complete connectivity of varied network applications. The very existence of this framework is due to is the approach of the ideology behind blocking and event-driven input and output from the application.


Symphony is a PHP web application development framework and a set of reusable PHP libraries/components. It was published as open source software on October 18, 2005, and released under the license of MIT. It aims to speed up the maintenance and creation of web apps and to replace repetitive coding tasks. It has a low-performance overhead used with a bytecode cache.


The ASP.NET is an open-source web application framework that allows developers to build high-end enterprise applications based on three roles, namely, Model, View, and Controller (MVC). It was rolled out as a light-weight presentation framework by Microsoft, and integrated with the legendary ASP.NET features to provide the intuitive user experience. The developers must use the lighter weight and cleaner implementation of the Web API functionality, making it a better fit. ASP.NET outperforms all the other frameworks on the server-side. It can handle over 1 million requests per second on the same hardware and application where NodeJS can manage only 175k requests/sec.


Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework that uses Java, the all-time popular language. It’s used by websites like Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard. Spring possess a lot of sister projects that boost its performance and let you scale your business easily. The fact that it uses Java, a strongly typed language, is a serious pro for many web developers.


A PHP framework is probably best suited when it comes to e-commerce website development and CakePHP is preferred by most developers when it comes to choosing one of the better tools in the written PHP format. A popular framework, CakePHP is created on the MCV model. What makes CakePHP particularly interesting is that the code for all your older projects may be reused through it. This, in turn, ends up saving the developers a whole lot of time and money by speeding up the whole process of web development.

Vue JS

Vue.js is the new rising star, it started as an individual project and quickly grew into becoming one of the most trending JS frameworks out there. There are many cool things about Vue, first, it’s a progressive framework, which means that if you have an existing project, you can adopt Vue for one portion of the project and everything would work just fine. Second, it also brings along the component architecture to play, and the Vue ecosystem can help you build complete frontend applications. Some people are wary of using Vue since it’s not supported by a big company like Facebook or Google, but that’s quickly changing as big names are starting to invest in Vue.


Meteor is a JavaScript-based framework enables fast software development and what exactly makes it so popular. A full stack JavaScript framework, Meteor is composed of a collection of libraries and packages bundled together. The framework needs a lot fewer codes which goes on to indicate that there would be much lesser bugs and a product that would be highly scalable. This makes the framework especially beneficial for e-commerce web application development.


Ember was named the best Javascript framework back in 2015. The Ember community is huge and it’s ever expanding, with new features and releases being added regularly. Ember possesses the two-way data binding that Angular boasts and it comes with a lot of features and components that you can use out of the box. It’s being used by Google, Microsoft, Heroku, and Netflix. Ember revolves around the developer’s productivity and attempts to maximize it by either eliminating the need for time-wasting activities or adopting some JS best practices in its core design.


There is a vast range of web development frameworks for you to choose from. Selecting a framework that would best suit your brand’s needs can end up being quite a task. Similarly, for you to have an eye out for that website developer who is efficient and can justify, and thereby satiate your brand’s need is another task for you. Hope you find our list of most popular web frameworks useful. Remember that big companies are always migrating and trying new stuff all the time, so there’s no such thing as a dead end.

Tell us which one is the best framework according to you. You can share your experiences with us in the comment section. Thank you!

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