Wed Mar 22 2023

8 Ways Mobile-Friendly Website Design Can Help Your Business Grow

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8 Ways Mobile-Friendly Website Design Can Help Your Business Grow

A mobile-friendly site is where the future of web design is now heading. That’s because people use desktops less, with an increased shift to the usage of smartphones. In fact, according to data from Statista, 60% of site traffic comes from smartphones.

That's why having a mobile-friendly site is vital. It allows users to browse your site anywhere without having to download or install anything. This leads to increased user experience, conversion rates, and better brand visibility.

Here's a guide on why it’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly site:

1. Mobile-Friendly Website Improves SEO

Last February 2015, Google announced that mobile-friendliness will be a key ranking factor in its algorithm. Meaning, if you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, and if it isn’t optimized for mobile, you’ll be punished by search engines, which will hurt your site traffic.

Moreover, last 2016, Google announced that it will be using a mobile testing tool to determine whether a site is mobile-friendly or not. So, it’s vital more than ever that you pay attention to the speed score of your mobile page, design elements, and its overall performance.

2. Establishes a Good First Impression

According to a study, it only takes 2.6 seconds for someone to focus on the core elements of your site after it loads. Thus, you only have a short amount of time to make a good first impression. A strong, well-planned design is also vital to make a good first impression.

So, if you have a site that looks outdated and unattractive, it’s easy for individuals to have a negative impression. Moreover, a cluttered site with poor navigation makes it difficult to find the information they need. It’s not going to give them a positive impression of your site, and will likely drive them to a different site to find what they’re looking for.

3. Builds Credibility And Trust

Whether you’re trying to get new demographics or maintain your existing customer segments, a key part of your business is establishing your credibility.

At Sytian Productions, (website developer Philippines) we always tell clients that customers want to know that they can rely on you anytime and that you’re trustworthy. Having a mobile site is one of the best ways to establish trust with your target customers. It shows them that you can meet their needs and demands by matching your offerings with their expectations. It also makes the customer journey seamless.

4. Much Greater Outreach

Another reason why you should have a mobile-friendly site is the outreach that you can get from it. People nowadays are using their phones to browse the internet.

If they use keywords that are relevant to your business or site, then this, in turn, can generate organic traffic. But what happens if your site is incompatible with mobile devices? Well, this causes you to miss out on a possible conversion.

Thus, you need to work on the compatibility of your site with mobile devices. Once you fix the issue, you’ll definitely see a huge surge of organic traffic to your site.

5. Mobile-Friendly Websites are Cost-Effective

Another reason why you should keep your site mobile responsive is that it cuts the costs of bandwidth.

Not only will you save money on reducing the amount of data transferred between the server and your customer’s browsers, but you can also avoid the hefty costs of creating duplicate versions of your site for every kind of technology out there.

6. Helps in Boosting Sales

Mobile shopping is now taking the e-commerce world by storm, with mobile sales growing each year. In fact, in 2021 alone, mobile commerce accounted for approximately 72.9% of all online sales. Not only is it dominating the e-commerce sphere, but it’s also making a huge splash in retail sales. By 2025, 10% of all retail sales are expected to be generated by mobile commerce.

If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site that’s optimized for mobile then you’re not competitive at all. This will cause you to lose out on leads and customers. A mobile-friendly site, on the other hand, makes it easy to shop from a hand-held device, creating a better customer experience, overall.

7. Makes It Easy to Get in Touch with You

One of the biggest benefits of a mobile-friendly site is that most of your prospects are already on their phones, and they can easily get in touch with you by simply clicking on your phone number.

Thus, this is less of a hassle than finding your number via computer or desktop, then just typing it via phone. As a result, you can enhance communication between you and your customers.

8. Better Customer Retention

A mobile site decreases bounce rates and enhances user engagement. Users visiting your site using their smartphones are more likely to come back. Meaning, after they purchase from you, they’ll still come back in the future.

This allows you to create stronger relationships with them, and keep customers coming back. They’ll also be a lot happier and loyal if they can shop from you in whatever way fits them.

Over to You

There’s no doubt that a mobile-friendly site design is a great way for you to improve your reach and gain more customers. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, then you could lose valuable traffic and conversions.

Meanwhile, a mobile-responsive site can open plenty of opportunities for your e-commerce business. In this mobile-first age, as an e-commerce business, you simply can’t ignore people who are using smartphones.

Thus, having a mobile-friendly site is a must to attract more customers, boost your sales, and
surpass your competitors. Good luck!

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