Thu May 02 2019

Most useful Java libraries

Most useful Java libraries

Java is one of the most powerful and leading languages around the world. A large portion of software developed in Java by using APIs from various libraries. These libraries contain packages that allow you to extend much functionality.

From Java standard libraries to third-party libraries, there have hundreds of Java libraries to cover every type of programming problem.

In this geek story, you will find the most useful Java libraries that every Java developer should know before starting their web development. contains the classes that handle fundamental input and output operations in Java.


It contains generic Java utility packages like collections framework, formatted printing and scanning, array manipulation utilities, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization and miscellaneous utility classes.


It provides the classes and interfaces that are fundamental to the core Java language. The important classes are Object, which is the root of class hierarchy, and Class, instances, etc.

It supports cryptography and digital signature also has several classes that allow users to encrypt a file using a user-provided key.

Google Guava

It is a set of open-source Java libraries consisting of basic as well as other utilities for implementing common methods and behaviors, such as collections, functional programming, caching, primitives support, common annotations, string processing and more.

Apache Commons

It provides enhancements on core java collections. It provides additional collections and utility methods to manipulate collection objects easily and efficiently.


It used for parsing HTML file in Java. It can be used for web application unit testing and web scraping. jSoup is quite fast in retrieving the raw page content.


It used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object.


It is the easiest and widely used graphical library for creating a wide variety of good looking charts like pie charts, bar charts, time series chart, Gantt chart, histogram, X-Y charts, and various specific charts.


It is an open source widget toolkit that provides efficient, portable access to the user-interface facilities of the operating systems on which it is implemented which is developed by IBM.


Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. It can manage all your project dependencies, configurations and build configurations and even documentation only by specifying them in a single pom.xml file.


It provides functionality for working with arbitrary-precision decimal (BigDecimal) and integer (BigInteger) values.


JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular Web applications and Spring microservices. It basically generates your whole application from your front-end to the back-end. The only thing you need to add is the business logic behind the architecture.


JUnit is a free Java framework for writing unit tests. It provides functionality for conducting repeatable tests on your code. You just need to be careful not to get obsessed with the numbers. Bigger code coverage does not always mean better and bug-less code.


JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) is an open source lexical analyzer generator and a parser generator for use with the Java applications, which takes a grammar specification (e.g., EBNF) and generates the Java source code of a lexical analyzer and a parser.

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