Sat Feb 04 2017

Sanskrit: A Potential Contender for Computer Programming

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Sanskrit: A Potential Contender for Computer Programming

In the realm of computer programming, various languages have emerged, each with its unique syntax and application. Surprisingly, some propose that Sanskrit, renowned for its linguistic structure and preciseness, could be an ideal candidate for programming.

In the early 1900s, analytic philosophers such as Russell and initially Wittgenstein too, tried to develop artificial languages, which, unlike ordinary language, would provide them with a more logical grammar, and words with unambiguous meanings. Language was a major preoccupation for later analytic philosophers such as Austin too, although he felt ordinary language itself would serve the purpose of the philosopher.

So, Why Its Best for Computer?

1. Linguistic Precision

Sanskrit, known for its grammar and structure, comprises a well-defined set of rules and syntax. Its precise rules of phonetics, grammar, and syntax could potentially minimize errors and ambiguity in code.

2. Compound Formation

Sanskrit's compound formation could be advantageous. Similar to object-oriented programming, Sanskrit compounds words systematically. This aspect aligns with the idea of object-oriented design, fostering modularity and scalability.

3. Conciseness and Expressiveness

Sanskrit’s ability to convey complex concepts in concise phrases or terms might contribute to writing efficient and expressive code. Its vocabulary allows for multifaceted expressions, potentially aiding in writing code that's easy to comprehend.

4. Root-Based Language

Sanskrit derives many words from root forms, analogous to functions in programming languages. This root-based structure might offer advantages in creating a standardized codebase, enabling reuse and clarity.

5. Contextual Understanding

Sanskrit, like modern programming languages, demands context for proper interpretation. Its contextual nature aligns with the need for clear and unambiguous code in programming.

Challenges and Considerations

While Sanskrit boasts remarkable linguistic qualities, its transition into a modern programming language presents several challenges. Its adoption might face hurdles in terms of tooling, modernization, community adoption, and learning curve due to its complexity and limited usage.


Sanskrit, with its rich linguistic heritage and structured grammar, presents intriguing qualities that resonate with programming language design principles. However, transitioning it into a programming language would necessitate extensive efforts, including the development of compilers, libraries, and a vibrant community.

While Sanskrit's applicability as a modern programming language might be a topic of debate, acknowledging its linguistic attributes and exploring its potential in programming languages might pave the way for innovative discussions in the world of computer science and linguistics.

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