Mon Mar 18 2019

Things to do to make your website more attractive

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A website is a collection of related network web resources, such as web pages, multimedia content, which are typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server. It can be accessed via a public Internet Protocol network, such as the Internet, or a private local area network, by a uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies the site. Websites can have many functions and can be used in various fashions.

A well-built website generates better customer traffic and an improved user interface leads to increased conversions.

So, an attractive visual appearance and good ergonomics are essential to make visitors stay on your website for more times.

Reaching the attention and interest is very important for your site growth. Strong visual factors can keep users on your site long enough to soak up your idea.

Here, in this post, we are going to focus on many important things to do to make your website more attractive.

Let's get started -


You can have an amazing product, but if no one understands what you’re saying, then you won’t sell it. If you want to package your brand, product or idea in a way that communicates care, quality, and trust, you have to nail the 4 basics including font size, color scheme, layout, and site navigation, that are the essential criterion for discerning the credibility of the company.

Create an overload-free home page

The homepage is often the first impression the user will have to your structure. If a homepage that is overwhelmed with too much text or too many graphics can chase away potential visitors. It should never be designed at random just to have a presence on the web. Network for Good, a not-for-profit organization that provides fundraising ideas for other non-profit organizations, recommends a simplicity and clarity in design; must be attractive, captivating, but uncluttered.

Keep the layout simple and clean

The simpler your website layout, the better. That doesn’t mean it has to be boring, but it does mean it should focus on the essentials. Clean, functional layouts make your site easier to load, navigate, and use on different platforms and devices.

Select a catchy domain name

Your domain name doesn’t have to be your full company name. For example, if your business is named Waterproof Products Manufacturing and Automotive Supplies, it wouldn’t be advisable to use the domain as Instead, something like or would be a far better choice.

Make navigation easy to follow

To stay visitors on your site, you need to make it easy for them to get around. You might be tempted to do something unique with your navigation menus design, but simpler and better. Making your menus standard in appearance is a way to make your readers feel comfortable when they visit your site.

Remove following from your site

With an audience that only has an attention span of 8 seconds, you need to create a first impression that easily gets the main points across. This should be done with short, powerful sections of content and applicable photographs/icons that are sectioned off by clear and concise headers. Some words to avoid include next generation, flexible, robust, scalable, easy to use, cutting edge, groundbreaking, best-of-breed, mission-critical, innovative ... those are all words that have overused by hundreds if not thousands of companies and don’t make your content any more appealing.

Follow social share buttons

Producing great content and offers only go so far if you aren’t giving your users the opportunity to share what you have. If your website currently lacks social share buttons, you could be missing out on a lot of social media traffic that's generated from people already reading your blog! If this sounds new to you, social sharing buttons are the small buttons that are around the top or bottom of blog posts. They contain icons of different social media website and allow you to share the page directly on the social media channel of your choice.

A unique, nice-looking logo

Your brand logo is your website’s calling card and so must look really inviting. In fact, for a lot of users, the first things that strike them and with which they use to make a quick evaluation of the quality of your website are your logo and web design. Create a logo that captures the user’s imagination which subtly but brilliantly expressing your brand values.

Textures and repeating patterns

There are plenty of websites which can get by just using standard color schemes. But to have your website really stand out from the crowd you may consider adding textures and repeating tiles into your background.

Create logical links

Logical links that are visible with "Product" and "Purchase" buttons.  Place call to actions where it is easy for your visitor to navigate, especially during the purchase phase or completion of the equivalent call to action, such as filling in a form.

Stay organized

Online visitors wanted to visit those websites which is more organized and provide each and every information which they are seeking for. It’s a fact that the average page visit of a user lasts a little less than a minute. As the user is in rush so he will just visit your site and take a glimpse of your website, if he/she founds out that the website is more organized and everything is on its place then he/she gets the confidence that he/she can find out the correct information which he/she is seeking for.

White space

White space is the space between the elements on your site. You should fix a simple yet attractive pattern of alignment of how all your data and graphics elements are displayed on the screen. You should manage the white space with all other elements in an optimized manner to provide a pleasing visual experience.

Use the proper fonts

Fonts may be just letters, but they can alter the way your website looks and feels. If you are aiming for a more distinctive but professional look, then use fonts that match your business’ style and culture. Of course, companies that sell something fun and entertaining should use fonts that represent these qualities. On the flip-side would be more formal fonts that convey the spirit of whatever product or service your business is offering. Aside from using the proper types of fonts, it would also be wise to use fonts properly.

Browser support

Your website must be compatible with all the web browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer etc. This ensures easy to access data on all platforms. This is important because you cannot predict which browsers are preferred by the users.

Make a responsive site

In a world where Google already ranks a website based on its mobile version before anything else, it’s only logical for you to have a website that is mobile responsive. You may have the most beautifully-designed website, but if it does not display well on mobile devices, the public perception of your professionalism will certainly take a hit. With responsive web design, users will have a consistent experience with your website regardless of what screen they use. Being easily accessible across all platforms makes a website a consummate professional in the eyes of users everywhere.

Contact Details & Live Chat

Add your contact details at the end of the home page. Mention all basic information about your business such as address, phone no., contact email, fax no. You should add a contact form on a website for interested visitors. Nowadays, many company websites have live chat facility; you can also provide a live chat facility to your customers through ‘Live Chat’.

User’s comments columns

A good website should accept feedback about their website from the users. By providing user’s comments columns in your blogs and other online publications you could get effective responses from your visitors. It will also make the website look user-friendly.


Good Web design is not limited to the seven key principles discussed here. Aspects such as accessibility, readability, and usability play a part, too. This is the reason why Web design is so difficult. Getting your feet wet in design is easy, especially today, with so many content management systems, blogging tools and themes readily available. But truly mastering all of the facets of Web design takes time and talent.

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