Tue Feb 02 2021

Ways Hackers Can Access Your Computer

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Ways Hackers Can Access Your Computer

When hackers access your computer, it can lead to data failure, file corruption, and physical harm to your hardware and facilities. Knowing how to recognize security risks and how hackers find ways to infiltrate your computer are the initial steps in securing yourself from any cyber-attacks. Threats can be deliberate, accidental, or even triggered by natural disasters.

To bring it in the simplest of terms, a computer system's vulnerability is a defect or weakness in any system or network. A cyber-criminal can exploit it to inflict harm or control your system in any way. These loopholes can occur due to unanticipated encounters between various software systems, system components, or superficial program flaws.

How Your Computer Can Get Infiltrated

It has always been beneficial to know how your computer can get infiltrated to secure your business or your data better. To ensure that you protect your computer from any possible attack, here are some ways cyber-criminals can gain access to it.

1. Malware

As mentioned earlier, new malware is being developed all the time. Around 360,000 new malware files a day may sound overwhelming. However, many of these "new" malware files are just reshuffling older malware programs. Some have only been updated to make them unrecognizable to antivirus programs.

Many malware threats aim to copy and steal confidential data. Any specialized malware will immediately copy data and transfer it to a particular port or server that an intruder can use to steal information discreetly. Simple antivirus will defend against certain malware. However, a multi-layer security program that uses antivirus, email virus scanners, deep-packed firewall inspection, and employee awareness training can provide optimum security.

  • Ransomware

    This malicious program is built to encrypt the victim's data storage drives, making them unavailable to the user. When a ransomware attack happens, a deadline is then delivered, requesting payment in exchange for the encryption key. If the ransom demand is not fulfilled, it will erase all data, and you will lose it forever.
  • Worms

    Worms can be self-replicated and distributed in many ways, such as emails. While on your computer, the worm looks for a communication database or file-sharing system and sends it as an attachment. In an email form, it appears to be an attachment that looks like a person whose device has been hacked.
  • Trojans

    A Trojan is a code that masquerades as legitimate software that fools victims into running it on their computers. Trojans will do much damage when they're sneaking behind the outermost network of security protections. It can act as something innocent while holding a significant threat inside.

2. Hidden Backdoor Programs

When computer hardware, software, or entire computer system installs a program or bit of code intended to provide remote access to a computer, this access program is called a backdoor. When the backdoor is mounted on computers without the user's permission, it may be considered a secret backdoor program. Hidden backdoors are an immense risk to computer systems because they make it all too easy for anyone with backdoor information to access any device and any network to which it is connected.

3. Unknown Security Bugs In Software

Some software programs are too complicated to use. If two or more systems are made to sync with each other, the complexity can only increase. The trouble is, there could be code problems within a particular software piece that may create security vulnerabilities. When two systems are interfaced, the probability of disagreements that generate software bugs increases.

Programming glitches and random code encounters are among the most prevalent flaws of computer security. In retrospect, cyber-criminals work hard to identify these glitches and exploit them. Unfortunately, detecting all individual bugs in computer systems is almost impossible. That is because there are practically no limitations on program combinations that may be encountered on a single computer.

4. Phishing

With the ever-increasing connections and messages on mobile networks, phishing has become one of the most prevalent cybersecurity challenges in today's modern world. Phishing attacks continue to soar as one of the most significant threats in the business world as they continue to rely on email and instant messaging.

Cyber-criminals usually find an easy way to hack a computer system as people share hundreds of emails daily. It is often encountered in offices where employees are lured into clicking a link contained in an email.

When a particular staff is sleepy at the end of the day, hackers can send bogus emails and links that can be accidentally clicked. When exhausted, people are vulnerable to make poor choices. Even if only one employee access a suspicious link, it will provide hackers access to the company's entire network, resulting in security and data breaches.

5. PDF Scam

Like phishing, PDF scams have the primary purpose of encouraging a receiver to open and unknowingly download malware to a computer. When the PDF is clicked or opened, you will save the malware or ransomware to your computer.

Unlike email phishing scams, PDF scams do not require the user to open a link to provide information. While people are increasingly wary of phishing scams, they can still open a PDF file if they considered it a regular security update or necessary file. That is also because PDF attachments are continuously exchanged in workplaces via emails or other networking channels.

6. IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects a range of smart devices. It can bring together WI-Fi-enabled refrigerators, printers, windows, curtains, light fixtures, and countless other machines. The concern with these devices is that hackers can hijack them to form enslaved networks of compromised devices to carry out further attacks. Worse yet, many businesses don't even realize how many IoT devices they have on their networks. It means that they have unprotected devices that they don't even know about.

To minimize the risk of IoT devices, a security audit should be carried out that identifies all the loophole assets on the network and the operating systems on which they operate. In this way, these IoT devices can be better accounted for in the organization's cybersecurity policy. Your antivirus should periodically carry out such audits to account for any new devices that may be added to the network over time.

7. Own Employees

The most considered weakness of any company is its workers. Employees can misuse their access rights for personal benefit. Moreover, an employee may accidentally click on a suspicious link in an email. They can also download the incorrect file from an online site or give the wrong person their user account credential. These incidents can provide hackers easy access to your computer systems. To refrain from this, it is essential to educate your employees with cybersecurity for your business.

Final Thoughts

Knowing some of the most significant security threat to your network is crucial to keeping your cybersecurity measures up to date. Identifying possible ways a hacker can access your computer can help protect and secure your sensitive data. Moreover, hard work, cybersecurity software, and vigilance are always needed to minimize your cybersecurity risks.

Maricar moraga


Maricar worked as a marketing professional for almost a decade and handled concerts, events and community service-related activities. Leaving her corporate job for good to pursue her dreams, she has now ventured in the path of content writing and currently writes for Softvire Australia and Softvire New Zealand. A Harry Potter fan, she loves to watch animated series and movies during her spare time.

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