Wed Dec 26 2018

2018’s best frameworks for website and web application development

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Best frameworks for website and web application development

In the recent few years, there has been a rise in frameworks targeting web development. A web development framework is a set of resources and tools for software developers to build and manage web applications, web services, and websites. Development frameworks are tools and libraries that other developers have created to either reach a particular technical goal or to make developing in a particular language easier. These frameworks mostly have one goal in common: facilitate development. How they tackle this goal is what sets them apart. The framework also provides the foundations and system-level services for software developers to build a content management system (CMS) for managing digital information on the Web.

Here, in this post, we will cover the prominent frameworks that most used by today's web developers.

So, let's get started -


This framework was developed and referred to as AngularJS. Angular is a JavaScript framework by Google that was designed specifically for creating dynamic web applications. Using this framework, you’ll be able to develop your front-end based apps without the necessity to use any other plugins or frameworks. This framework has many cool features. Using templates, you’ll be able to show information from model and controller. Angular supports MVC (Model, View, and Controller) architecture. And the cool features is that a developer just needs to split an app into MVC components and all others are managed by Angular. All the expressions are like code snippets that enclosed within curly braces and do not use any loops or conditional statements.


ASP.NET is a framework developed by Microsoft, which helps us to build robust web applications for PC, as well as mobile devices. It is a high performance and lightweight framework for building Web Applications using .NET.  All in all, a framework with Power, Productivity and Speed.


Laravel is a framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2011 and like all other modern frameworks, it also follows the MVC architectural pattern. Laravel values Elegance, Simplicity, and Readability. One can right away start learning and developing Laravel with Laracasts which has hundreds of tutorials in it.


Vue.js is the new rising star; it started as an individual project and quickly grew into becoming one of the most trending JS frameworks out there. There are many cool things about Vue, first, it’s a progressive framework, which means that if you have an existing project, you can adopt Vue for one portion of the project and everything would work just fine

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application framework written by David Heinemeier Hansson. One can develop an application at least ten times faster with Rails than a typical Java framework. Moreover, Rails includes everything needed to create a database-driven web application, using the Model-View-Controller pattern.


Django is another framework that helps in building quality web applications. It was invented to meet fast-moving newsroom deadlines while satisfying the tough requirements of experienced Web developers. Django developers say the applications are it’s ridiculously fast, secure, scalable and versatile.


Yii is an open-source web application development framework that is built in PHP5. Due to the clear design and user-friendly interface, this framework provides an extremely simple and quick web development. This framework is performance optimized, that’s why it can be the best choice for any sized project. Also, there are a lot of amazing tools that will help you debug and test your app as well as pronounced documentation.


CodeIgniter, developed by EllisLab, is a famous web application framework to build dynamic websites. It is loosely based on MVC architecture since Controller classes are necessary but models and views are optional. CodeIgniter promises with exceptional performance, nearly zero configuration, and no large-scale monolithic libraries.


Express JS is a web application development network that has been developed in Node.js. You definitely need to choose this framework if your main goal is to develop web applications and APIs as fast and easy as possible. There are a number of features that are provided with the help of plugins. That consists of the AngularJS framework and MongoDB database. Moreover, using Express.js you may develop mobile applications as well. For developing websites, you’ll need a simple knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with a basic knowledge of MongoDB.


This framework is based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed in 2011, it is the most used framework for developing responsive websites with accelerated page loading speed.


The main idea of Node.js is to use non-blocking and event-driven I / O so that they remain lightweight and efficient against real-time applications with a large amount of data running on distributed devices. In simple words, Node.JS is used for specific reasons to fill particular needs. Node.js is not just a framework, it is a complete environment. It has been the developer’s favorite for a long time and is expected to stay this way long enough. It helps to create scalable and fast network applications since it is capable of handling a large number of simultaneous connections with high performance, which provides a high scalability. If you want a complete JavaScript environment with all the tools, the development on Node.js may be ideal for you.


Symfony is a PHP framework that’s well suited for large-scale or complex enterprise level projects. It is a quite stable framework. Symfony helps developers create scalable websites that are flexible to changing business requirements. Symfony can work with some of the largest open source platforms such as PHPBB, Piwik, and Drupal. Symfony comprises a set of PHP components, an Application Framework, a Community and a Philosophy, and all of them work in tandem to help realize a common goal on the web. These are the reasons that make Symfony an advanced framework for web development.


Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework that uses Java, the all-time popular language. It’s used by websites like Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard. Spring possess a lot of sister projects that boost its performance and let you scale your business easily. The fact that it uses Java, a strongly typed language, is a serious pro for many web developers. The learning curve might be quite steep tho, especially if you don’t know Java.


Ember was named the best Javascript framework back in 2015. Today, the Ember community is huge and it’s ever expanding, with new features and releases being added regularly. Ember possesses the two-way data binding that Angular boasts and it comes with a lot of features and components that you can use out of the box. It’s being used by Google, Microsoft, Heroku, and Netflix. Ember revolves around the developer’s productivity and attempts to maximize it by either eliminating the need for time-wasting activities or adopting some JS best practices in its core design.


A JavaScript framework, the Meteor enables rapid software development. This is why it is all so popular. It is a full-stack JavaScript framework which consists of a collection of libraries and packages all bound together. It requires fewer codes, which implies that there would be lesser bugs and a highly scalable app. Therefore, it can be beneficial to e-commerce web application development. Meteor JS is written in Node.js and allows developers to create real-time web applications for different platforms. One of the coolest features of Meteor JS is a great framework for creating simple websites for personal use. This is an open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework. As a result, this allows loading the pages much faster.


Zend is one of the open source web development framework based on PHP. This framework is focused on building more secure, modern, reliable, web services and applications. Zend framework makes use of various professional PHP packages. It uses such object-oriented programming concepts as interfaces and inheritance that will help you extend its various components.

So, start working on it, frameworks will certainly give you an insight about how things are done and you’ll find many similarities between frameworks, even across different languages in the same category. Remember that big companies are always migrating and trying new stuff all the time.

Let us know which framework is best for your projects. Share your experiences with us in the comments below. Thank you!


Photograph by oatawa

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