Thu Dec 13 2018

Reasons of battery drainage of your smartphone

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Reasons of battery drainage of your smartphone

You head out for the day and use your smartphone the same as usual. Whether you have an iPhone or an Android smartphone, you're probably pretty familiar with the struggle to keep your smartphone running out a whole day. In the middle of the day, your phone notifies you that your battery is almost dead. That's the situation where the phone battery, with no different use by the owner, suddenly drains for no apparent reason. This can have serious consequences, especially for workers needing to stay in touch with the office.

Unfortunately, most owners hit with Sudden Battery Drain Syndrome aren't aware of it until their battery has drained to a critical level. The battery drain doesn't happen often, but when it does it has the ability to leave you high and dry with a dead smartphone. You likely aren't doing anything differently when it strikes, so it's unexpected. For some reason, it turns out that often this situation.

So, here are some common reasons why your smartphone battery dies so quickly -

High mobile screen brightness

A major source of battery drain is setting the screen brightness too high. Either dial it back and keep it at a low setting all the time or take advantage of the setting that enables the phone to automatically determine how bright the screen should be based on your surroundings. Another way to reduce the amount of battery power consumed by your screen is to shorten the amount of time that it’ll take for the display to turn off after you stop using it.

Constantly search for Wifi networks

If your phone is constantly searching for a Wifi signal on your commute, as you run errands, or when you’re out with friends, it can easily burn through a lot of power. If you’re not expecting to connect to a Wi-Fi network, turn off Wi-Fi to prevent your phone from searching for a signal you won’t use.


Think all about what your phone is doing all day. If it’s constantly lighting up, vibrating, or playing notification sounds, you’ve probably figured out why the battery dies so quickly. A constant stream of notifications is hard on your phone’s battery life. Make sure that you’ve only enabled notifications on the apps you really care about, and if you need to. You can cut back on the number of news alerts and game requests that you enable your apps to send you.

Apps are still running in the background

It depends on which of your apps are using the most battery power. You should see the apps that you use most frequently on the list, but if there’s an app that you’re surprised to see is a major consumer of battery power, then it’s most likely refreshing in the background throughout the day. Whether it’s your social media apps or your email account that’s guilty, you can disable the background activity and expect to have an easier time getting through the day without recharging.

Overdoing with battery-draining apps and activities

If you’re checking the weather in multiple times a day or constantly looking things up in Google Maps, you’re giving an app permission to track your location, which can use a lot of battery power. It’s OK to use apps that require GPS when you need them but make sure that you aren’t overusing them and ensure that you’re closing them when you don’t need them.

Using resource-intensive apps

Sometimes, even changing all the right settings won’t solve the battery problem. If you’re addicted to apps that use a lot of data and a lot of battery life, you may be draining your phone’s battery life a lot more quickly than you would if you were using a less resource-intensive app. When you’re trying to conserve battery, opt to read the news instead of watching a video about it, avoid playing games for long periods of time. Generally stay conscious of what you’re doing on your phone and why of course.

Automatically syncing

Another unexpected battery drain is enabling automatic syncing in an assortment of apps. Automatically backing up your photos or syncing your apps sounds like a good idea. But if your phone battery is consistently dying in the middle of the day, you may want to consider having your phone sync only when you tell it to do. So, advice to do that manually or when you connect it to your computer.

Softwares aren’t up to date

There are many reasons to keep your operating system and your apps up to date. But if you’re dealing problems with your smartphone’s battery life, updates to your operating system or your favorite apps can add fixes for bugs that may be contributing to your battery life problem in the first place. Make sure that you’re using the latest version of the OS available, and also determine that you have the latest version of your apps installed so that you benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes.

Vibrate Mode

By telling your phone to stop buzzing, you’ll keep your phone from using more energy than it needs to every time you get a notification or phone call.

Searching for signal or network

Smartphones use more power when trying to connect in low-signal areas. If you can't get a signal, turn on Airplane Mode by swiping down and tapping the Settings wheel. If your low-signal area is, say, an office or someone's home, you can turn on Wifi (with Airplane Mode enabled) instead to stay connected. Then restart your cellular connection when you're in an area with better coverage.


Bluetooth is a batteries worst nightmare! Bluetooth is one of the biggest battery drainers known to man! If you are not using Bluetooth…shut it off!

Loud audio

Louder audio pulls more power from your phone’s battery, though the differences aren’t usually huge, depending on the draw of your handset’s speakers. Hitting the mute button or investing in a pair of headphones is another way to extend your phone’s battery life.

Location tracking

Some apps track your location and therefore use more battery power than strictly necessary by accessing your GPS. At the phone Settings option, you can see which apps recently requested your location, as well as how much (low/high) battery it took.  You can head into the apps and manually adjust the permissions individually.

Old battery

If your smartphone is a few years old, the sad truth is that its battery might be simply dying a natural death. If yours is considerably lower, it might be time for a change. Manufacturers often say that a battery should perform well for up to 1000 charges, but that depends on many factors.

Play Services

Google Play Services is another service that consumes a lot of battery. Unfortunately, you can't stop it because it's a crucial Android feature which lets your apps communicate with each other on your phone. Still, you can bring it under control.

Auto Updating

If your phone is set to have apps auto update, then your battery is getting drained little by little. When the auto-update feature is set, your phone is constantly looking for updates and when one is available then it is downloading it. This all takes precious battery life to do. It is best to shut off the automatic update and pick one day a month to check for updates.

A hardware issue

If you’ve scrutinized your app usage and changed your habits but are still having trouble getting through the day on a single charge, then it’s possible that there’s a hardware issue that needs attending to. Depending on what kind of phone you have, where you bought it, and how old it is, you can probably go back to the store to get a professional opinion on whether something is wrong. While other phone hardware such as screens and motherboards have developed quickly to be better and more powerful, battery technology has not seen a similar advancement, so even brand-new phones with larger charge capacities may not last any longer than their predecessors.

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