Thu Aug 25 2016

How to save battery life of your Android smartphone?

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How to save battery life of your Android smartphone?

Low battery is the biggest fear of the 21st century. Your smartphone battery drain faster than you think, and it's hard to use it throughout the day by charging once. Smartphone makers have always tried to fix this issue by increase battery size (MHz). But still everything depends on your usage. If you are a hard core smartphone user or love to play games on your Android phone, then this few tricks can save your smart phone battery up to 20%.

  1. Reduce the brightness of your display.
  2. Turn off the wireless feature when not needed.
  3. Turn off the Bluetooth feature when not needed.
  4. Turn off the GPS.
  5. Always use a black background.
  6. Set your screen timeout to the shortest length possible.
  7. Use the Power Control widget.
  8. Turn off the phone vibration function.
  9. Disable animations.
  10. Reduce email, Twitter, and Facebook polling.
  11. Turn unnecessary hardware radios off.
  12. Use the extra power saving mode if you have it.
  13. Tell the device to only use 2G networks.
  14. Dump unnecessary home screen widgets and live wallpaper.
  15. Do not leave applications running when you don't need them.
  16. Put your phone on standby mode when you are not using it.
  17. Update your apps.
  18. Install a power management app on your device.
  19. Buy a battery case or larger extended battery.

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